Southern Cross Family Day Care


From a carer's perspective, respite might mean:

A night's uninterrupted sleep once a week.

A weekend break at planned intervals during the year.

A couple of hours during the day to ‘do your own thing'.


Respite Care Services

Southern Cross Family Day Care Host Family (Respite) services can strengthen a family’s ability to care for a family member with a disability and stay together, as a family.

We are National Disability Scheme (NDIS) approved

If you are the carer of a person who is eligible for specialist disability services, you may be able to access respite support through Southern Cross Family Day Care.

During your family member’s stay with our host families they will become part of the host family. Taking part in the family’s regular activities and events, this will give them a secure and safe environment to feel just like one of the family. It is their home away from home.

Our host families are all registered through Southern Cross Family Day Care. They undertake an extensive safety/compliance environment check and have all necessary qualifications/checks to your family member the best care.


National Quality Framework

As part of the national child care framework, our Family Day Care Educators abide by state licensing, national standards, individual scheme policies and Family Day Care Quality Assurance Guidelines to ensure that the quality of care is of the highest standard.

Quality assurance within family day care is governed by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) As part of these national requirements all Family Day Care Educators must hold or be actively studying a Certificate III in Children’s Services.

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